Also, Ralph has a new website which contains video's from the 80's & 90's as well as footage of unreleased interviews and performances... Peep some of the links below (the video's take a few seconds to load so be patient).
Performance Footage From Video Music Box
Some video's from the 80's
Bonus Footage
PS - Ralph, Can u please post the Das EFX performance of "They Want EFX" from early '92 and the Biz and Kane footage (it cuts in at the end of the Nas "Live At The Fever" clip)? There's also a clip of Flex spinnin a house set on Hot 97 when he had just started there and it was a dance station... Could u please post that as well?
ralph mcdaniels does an old school hip hop video show every friday night 4am on channel 25 on time warner cable in new york....
i dvr that shit every week. there's only about 5 shows on rotation, but it's great classic videos and interviews with the artists...
You're talking about The Bridge...
The episode guide for each episode is here:
I think Video Music Box still comes on once a week on Friday or Saturday at 1am..
please get me the video the wop dance by bfats!!! my mom was in that video!!
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